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Download your PCD Register


Keeping records of your achievements and personal development helps you identify learning and development needs and compile evidence of your spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth. Keeping a PCD register will help you reflect on work and accomplishments, document skill development, track goal setting and achievement, receive recognition and gain satisfaction and motivation from observing your progress.

Please download your PCD register by clicking on the button below.

Save the file in a safe place. We suggest using cloud storage like Apple iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive, depending on your operating system.

Most of these services have free options available.

Note that you must provide a valid reference for every event you enter. Your regional PCD coordinator will verify the legitimacy of your references once you submit your registration by the end of every year in the 4-year cycle.

An entry without a valid reference will be discounted.

The current PCD Cycle

starts on 1 January 2023 and ends on 31 December 2026.

You must obtain 50 PCD credits per year to reach your 200 PCD credits goal over the 4-year cycle. Failure to do so will jeopardise your pastoral status. 


Please follow the download steps carefully.

  • IMPORTANT: This new automated register use VBA Macros. For these to work properly you will need Microsoft Office 2019 and later. Microsoft 365 is preferred. Older MS Office versions will not accommodate your new register's functions. If you don't have the latest version of MS Office, you can still download the old PCD Register by clicking on the blue download button below. 

  • Click the dark grey Download button below to download the new PCD register (Do not open the file yet, macros need to be enabled first).


"To activate the macros, please watch the accompanying video for a step-by-step guide. Alternatively, you can follow the detailed steps outlined below if you prefer written instructions. Choose the method that works best for you to ensure a smooth and successful setup."

  • Right-click on the file and select “Properties” or “More Options” and then “Properties”, depending on your operating system. This window will open.

  • Under the “General tab”, select the “Unblock” box and click “Apply”.

  • Open the spreadsheet and select “Enable Content.”

  • You are ready to enter your PCD data. (Your register will only work with MS 2019 and later. MS 365 is recommended.)

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